Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Solar Panels Too Expensive? Did You Know You Can Build Your Own?

Answer this question - Do you want to save thousands off the cost of solar panels? Of course you do!You can now make solar panels at home! You have probably read about it or seen it on TV, but have you tried it yourself?
If you've stumbled across this article then chances are you've been looking into setting up your own solar panel system at home but have found out that the cost of both purchasing and installing the solar panels is prohibitively expensive. The good news is that there's a solution at hand with the help of the Earth4Energy Renewable Energy Guidebook. Setting up your own solar power system can actually be quite cost effective - in fact it's possible to get your own system setup and running for less than $200 and is relatively easy for anyone who likes a bit of DIY. So how do you do it? Here's a quick summary:
Firstly, source some solar cells. Cheap basic solar cells can be found either at your local hardware store or even via the likes of eBay. You will use the cells to build your own solar panel.
Secondly - to build your solar panel attach the solar cells to a backing panel, affix the necessary wires and then install the panel in the desired location. Location wise you want somewhere that not only gets good sunshine, but also somewhere that is unlikely to have leaf litter or other items drop onto it.
Thirdly, wire up the solar panel(s) to either a battery panel and/or the devices that you wish to use the electricity to power.Ensure the wiring is done properly.
And hey presto, you have electricity.
It sounds simple and really it is. But what can the generated electricity be used for? It can be used for many things. At the lower end of the scale you can use it to power the lights in your garage or maybe even that beer fridge. At the medium end of the scale you can wire it up to help power other appliances within your house. At the high end of the scale you can get an electrician to wire the system up directly to your mains so that your house is getting some or even all of it's electricity off the solar panels and/or wind turbine that you've setup. The advantage of this is two fold - not only are you saving money by using less power off the grid, in some states / countries you will also get paid for any excess electricity that you're able to send back into the grid.
There are two very large benefits to setting up your own solar panel system
Firstly, and perhaps most importantly for you, you will save money on your electricity bills. But also, you will protect the environment by reducing your dependence on the burning of fossil fuels. Click to find out how to build your own solar panel energy system Click Here!

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